Let Love be Born in your Heart!

Glimmers December 9, 2018

Dear Friends,

Happy Advent! A wonderful season of hope!

Hear these words of Jan Richardson, artist, author, and minister, as she describes a “Blessing on a Strange Road:”

Now this blessing meets you…looking like nothing you have known, fragrant with some far scent and humming an unfamiliar song. Still, somehow…it calls you by name, curls into your hand, settles inside your heart as if it has always belonged.

A blessing that is familiar but new; intimate, but mysterious…such is the language of Love.  When we commit ourselves to love’s call, we travel a path that is ever-unfolding throughout our lifetime. We take honest looks at what gets in the way of love and seek healing. We learn to live with ambiguity, with a heart-centered prayer for increased trust during times of uncertainty.

I love the nativity story. In fact, I am again adding a creative piece to our nativity corner for this year’s Advent. Each day a new figure appears, and carries with it, another layer of my heart. As the early morning light hovers over an empty stable, all await the birth of Love, once again. I love the imagery of time, location and participants in the nativity story, it has given me this sense of freedom to play with more personal meanings, more transformative images. Together, we await a celebration of Christmas, but are we ready? Can we open ourselves to the gifts of love that are coming our way? Do we believe ourselves worthy of blessings?

Advent is, indeed, a strange road. It is everything that our commercial Christmas experience, isn’t. At the same time, it paves the way for fully entering the joyful craziness of Christmas, multi-colored lights and all! The path to the stable has enough room for everyone and for all the uniqueness of each one of us. Advent’s rich welcome of the heart even invites those parts of myself that I’ve kept hidden all these years. “Come, Advent calls out, let Love enter your heart! Come, let Love replace those fears and doubts! You are worthy of blessings! Let the Light shine through you!” 

Remember, Meister Eckhart’s words, “We are all meant to be mothers of God, for God is always needing to be born.”

How are each one of us being called to bring love into the world?


Friends, know that you are in my heart as these days pass by. I may or may not reach out again before 2019 arrives, but please receive my love and gratitude for your willingness to receive my Glimmers. It is an honor to share thoughts and feelings with you. I pray for your intentions and needs, hoping my words support your journeys.

Blessings of peace, of hope, and for the birth of love,




I also wanted to mention that my prayer during these days of Advent has been supported by an online retreat with Jan Richardson, Illuminated 2018. She’s created a gentle, authentic experience of hope, shared prayer and intention for the season.





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