Take Time for Quiet, Take Time for Now

Glimmers August 6, 2024

Dear Friends,

Willow calls out to me on these steamy, lazy summer days. Her long, leafy tendrils reach out to me as I float by. I’m comfortable on my “blue floaty thing,” complete with arm rest, cup holder and my kayak paddle to navigate. Even with others around us on the water and land, it still feels like its just Willow and me who know the secret of summer on a lake. Together, we share the present moment, the gift of Now, and enter a silence of Presence.

That is my offering to you, dear friends….a reminder of the soft touch of prayer, contemplation, quiet. We each have our own way “in,” our own, unique style of quieting down to encounter the simplicity of life, the beauty of nature, the reality of love. Here is a piece of music from Hans Zimmer (click here), music often helps me settle into Now… Perhaps you’ve a Willow or Red Maple near by that speak to your soul… take a little time for your self, your precious soul, and step into the Dream of Now.

I am learning trust, the deep-abiding kind of trust, the I-am-a-part-of-the-Universe kind of trust, the Dream-and-my-DNA-are-one kind of trust. I breathe and the Dream holds me, I write and the Dream hears me, I trust and the Dream and I dance….

My love to you, dear friends, Lisa



  • Reply Andi Penner August 8, 2024 at 10:14 am

    Thank you for reading the entire “trust” poem at the International Women’s Writing Guild conference, Lisa. It’s beautiful.

  • Reply LIsa Irish August 12, 2024 at 9:05 pm

    Andi! How kind of you to respond! I had a feeling about a connection with you, but things never moved in that direction. Thanks for affirming my piece at the conference, I am grateful to play in the company of wise women. How did you come to this Glimmer? Let me know at [email protected] 🌺

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