Tending the light within….

Glimmers November 21, 2024

Dear Friends,

I recently shared retreat with a roomful of spiritual directors and companions at Genesis Spiritual Life Center. Together, we listened to our wise teacher, chatted over meals, and ooohed and aaahed at the full moon. Our theme, “Soulful Connections,” led us through wonderings about our spiritual journey, being with the pain of the world and who God is to us at this stage of our lives. I came home nourished and grateful for the rich encounters and lovely people.

One of my favorite moments was our gathering around the fireplace, we described our spiritual journeys through images from nature or life experience. Creativity filled the space, as we explored and shared God’s presence in our lives. As you read these examples, I encourage you to wonder which ones might connect with your experience. Or, what is missing? What image might you envision for your unique relationship with the Divine?

One participant described a roller coaster, with its adventure, its unpredictable ups and downs, as a good metaphor for her journey with God. Another saw herself as a tree, with deep root connections below, a haven for life on her branches and ongoing movement through the weather around her. Nature’s metaphors continued with a description of the spiritual journey as a river, at times still and stalled, or moving quickly with white water, or its path turning and traveling through different landscapes. A train with multiple cars, a tattoo parlor, the ocean’s ebb and flow and resting in God’s heart joined the images in the room.

My own response came slowly as I stared at the dancing flames in the fireplace. At first, I named “a fire” as my understanding of this journey, the aliveness and light called to me. With this safe and generous community around me, I let my imagination evolve as I watched the fire being tended. Lovingly, carefully, the glowing embers packed together, a fresh log landed on top and whispery sparks flew into the space above. “A firekeeper,” I said, “one who tends a fire.” For me, the invitation to share light has been an ongoing part of the journey. “But do you fall asleep?” I was asked. “Yes, sometimes” I answered, with a solemn and patient awareness of my humanity.

You see, friends, the world needs all of us to pack the embers of our dreams and values, to add the gifts we have to keep things going. The world needs us to find ways to keep the Fire of Hope alive, even when we fall asleep, with our sisters and brothers at our side. The process isn’t smooth, I can get burned or carry too heavy logs. But the years have taught me, the Living Fire continues to burn within me, as it does within you.

With a grateful heart, Lisa

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