Dear Friends,
You have been in my heart this April, as this Glimmer simmered through the weeks of Lent, Passover and Easter. This time was a kind of a “spiritual crossroads” where the mists part and that which is holy peeks through. If we listen we can hear Love speaking, in different languages to reach our different ears, but always speaking of love and mercy.
I am grateful I have “ears to hear.” For years, I have been hesitant to voice my Christian faith. I wanted, and want, to speak of universal truths that will reach out to any who need to hear the voice of love and hope. I believe that is my call at this point in my life. And yet, I must be grounded in a particular experience of the Divine. While I have the capacity and desire to share a universal message of love, my own heart must rest in the nest that gives me life. My soul comes alive when I am challenged to stand for justice and compassion, called to move out of my comfort zone to trust my truth. My heart is lifted when I am reminded of the reality of love.
This year, my Holy Week included sharing meals in silent with fifty other people who were listening for the Divine in their hearts. It included traveling to a friend’s home to celebrate Passover, to eat traditional foods and hear her grandchildren sing the prayer in Hebrew. I was blessed with experiencing Spring’s arrival while nestled at Mercy-by-the-Sea in Madison, CT and watched a woman’s heart break in her portrayal of Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb.
This year, I carried all of you with me as I went apart to travel the road of healing, reflection, humility and love. Your needs, whether I know them or not, went with me as I was nurtured in my nest and while I waited in the tomb. Your needs, whether I know them or not, are with me now as the glow of the Resurrection continues to fill my heart with peace. Friends, let us find a way to acknowledge the reality of love in our lives and give it room to grow. Happy Passover! Happy Easter! Happy Life!
With love,
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