
Updates and Connection

Glimmers January 20, 2025

Dear Friends,

I write this message to you on Martin Luther King Day, a day of remembering a man that spoke of love as a fundamental quality of our humanity. I am grateful to have lived in his lifetime and seek to carry the lessons of justice, that he lived and died for, in my heart. This quote from “Strength to Love,” challenges me to renew my commitment to love on a daily, even hourly, basis, especially when challenging circumstances arise. May we all choose love on this day.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

January’s cold still surrounds us in New England and I wanted to offer another Glimmer to share news about my schedule. As you know, in addition to Spiritual Direction and writing, my ministry has included retreats, day-long programs and talks. This March 2025 will bring 2 opportunities in my grief ministry, which will be followed by a pause, on that topic, as I explore other invitations and places of growth. If you, or someone you know, have been curious about the healing work I offer, please take advantage of these upcoming grief retreats.

  • March 7-9, Notre Dame Spirituality Center in Ipswich, MA: A two-night retreat “Tending to One’s Grieving Heart – listening for healing words” that incorporates writing, quiet, community and prayer as resources for healing. More information by clicking here.
  • March 29, Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center in West Hartford, CT: A day program “Tending to a Grieving Heart” that offers a safe space to learn and touch into key elements of grief’s healing process. More information by clicking here.

I so appreciate our connection over the years and across the miles, thank you for your responses and thoughts shared. I’ve a couple other ministry moments coming up that you might consider attending. Please keep me and my call in your prayer, as I hold each of you tenderly in mine.

  • March 19, Diocese of Norwich, Keynote Speaker for the Women’s Conference in Waterford, CT “How are we the image of Christ?” that includes dinner and conversation with women engaged in church ministry. More information by clicking here.
  • July 13-20, Mercy by the Sea, Directed Retreat in Madison, CT that offers an opportunity to withdraw from the busyness of life and enter more deeply into relationship with God. Registration starts January 21, 2025, more information by clicking here.

To close, another quote from Martin, our brother on this path of life. Peace to you friends, and love, Lisa

“We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right.”


Landing in a prayer of stillness…

Glimmers January 8, 2025

Dear Friends,

As the New Year begins, and we encounter 2025’s movement in our lives, I find myself returning to a childhood memory. I used to sit close, with my teddy bear and blanket, while my mother played her piano. The melodies, harmonies and rhythms filled the room, they filled my body. I didn’t understand it at the time, but the pulses and vibrations of musical energy touched me and nourished me. Even now, I find myself brought to an inner stillness when I hear the piano’s voice.

Recently, I received a message from one of my favorite teachers, Simon de Voil, an online musician, preacher, wisdom figure. As you can read and hear from this youtube video, he is sharing the birthing of this new instrument. The playing is just 1 1/2 minutes, it leaves me wanting more. It was as if my heart heard its own song in the dark of the early morning. There are no lyrics to direct my thoughts, no other images besides hands moving across piano keys, just a quiet, tender melody that brought me home.

And thus my prayer began.

Oh, I fall into the prayer of longing, of asking why. And, fortunately, I practice the prayer of gratitude, as I look at scenes in my life and say “thank you.” But this prayer of coming home, of resting in silence as the final notes are played, changes me. It places me right into the arms of God where “all shall be well” and I am safe, loved and whole. In that grace-filled place of quiet, my heart opens to Nan Merrill’s translation of Psalm 78, that I offer to you here:

“Listen long in the Silence that the Word may be heard,

that decisions arise from the depths of your Inner Being where Wisdom dwells.

For the Spirit of Truth is written upon gentle and open hearts….

With steadfast love will the Counselor guide you.”

Blessings on your new year, friends, may we each find a prayer that leads us home and surrounds us with Love.

You are a blessing to me, Lisa

The Advent of Hope

Glimmers December 11, 2024

Dear Friends,

These tender days of Advent are a gift to me. I watch the local birds peck at their feeders, the Canadian geese stop by the lake on their way south, and a brief snowfall cleans things up, just enough, to enjoy a peaceful presence. Quiet and wonder are here, and at the same time my heart is full of anticipation for a special family Christmas in our home state of Washington. My last Christmas there, I carried our 3 month old son. This year, he carries his 1 year old daughter.

Another gift in my world is the community choir, Accidental Harmony. Led by a beloved musician and teacher, we rehearsed 9 weeks and performed one night with piano, flute, guitar, brass quintet and jingle bells sharing the joyful sound. My heart melted when the harmonies hit their perfect combination and we created magic. We sang of angels giving glory to the newborn king, of “this time of year when the world falls in love,” even the simple beauty of a snowy day. These individual links are from other choirs that helped us learn our parts…please, take some time to listen and enjoy.

Toward the end of the concert, we sang a lovely piece, “We Toast the Days” by Linda Kachelmeier, that offers an image of hope.

“While the night is long and the bitter cold has come, we lengthen our embrace

to sustain us as we mourn our regrets and the fear of days unknown.

With assurance of the courage we will find and the hope that leads us on,

We toast the days…..”

More and more, I am learning the depth of hope that we are called to, especially in these times. Hope that is not in the future, but right here in the present. We bring hope with us into conversation and into quiet, a resource and a strength honed through life experience and the sacred path of our humanity. Our access to hope might change, as we change, but the fundamental quality of hope does not. As Cynthia Bourgeault teaches us. “Hope fills us with the strength to stay present, to abide in the flow of Mercy no matter what outer storms assail us.” Dear friends, I join you in that place where we walk through this holy season of Advent. Together, let us stay present, to abide in the flow of Mercy, to sing our songs in harmony and hope.

With love, Lisa


Tending the light within….

Glimmers November 21, 2024

Dear Friends,

I recently shared retreat with a roomful of spiritual directors and companions at Genesis Spiritual Life Center. Together, we listened to our wise teacher, chatted over meals, and ooohed and aaahed at the full moon. Our theme, “Soulful Connections,” led us through wonderings about our spiritual journey, being with the pain of the world and who God is to us at this stage of our lives. I came home nourished and grateful for the rich encounters and lovely people.

One of my favorite moments was our gathering around the fireplace, we described our spiritual journeys through images from nature or life experience. Creativity filled the space, as we explored and shared God’s presence in our lives. As you read these examples, I encourage you to wonder which ones might connect with your experience. Or, what is missing? What image might you envision for your unique relationship with the Divine?

One participant described a roller coaster, with its adventure, its unpredictable ups and downs, as a good metaphor for her journey with God. Another saw herself as a tree, with deep root connections below, a haven for life on her branches and ongoing movement through the weather around her. Nature’s metaphors continued with a description of the spiritual journey as a river, at times still and stalled, or moving quickly with white water, or its path turning and traveling through different landscapes. A train with multiple cars, a tattoo parlor, the ocean’s ebb and flow and resting in God’s heart joined the images in the room.

My own response came slowly as I stared at the dancing flames in the fireplace. At first, I named “a fire” as my understanding of this journey, the aliveness and light called to me. With this safe and generous community around me, I let my imagination evolve as I watched the fire being tended. Lovingly, carefully, the glowing embers packed together, a fresh log landed on top and whispery sparks flew into the space above. “A firekeeper,” I said, “one who tends a fire.” For me, the invitation to share light has been an ongoing part of the journey. “But do you fall asleep?” I was asked. “Yes, sometimes” I answered, with a solemn and patient awareness of my humanity.

You see, friends, the world needs all of us to pack the embers of our dreams and values, to add the gifts we have to keep things going. The world needs us to find ways to keep the Fire of Hope alive, even when we fall asleep, with our sisters and brothers at our side. The process isn’t smooth, I can get burned or carry too heavy logs. But the years have taught me, the Living Fire continues to burn within me, as it does within you.

With a grateful heart, Lisa

Sweet Knuckles and Singular Fingertips

Glimmers October 13, 2024

Dear Friends,

I keep staring at this picture of my 10 month old granddaughter. In it, she’s pulled herself upright, smiles at me and the camera, and leans her hand into the top of the couch’s cushion. Three of those precious knuckles are pressed into the surface, indented with her desire to hold on. One knuckle is bent upward, sort of a little mountain next to sweet valleys. Her fingers are extra white at the tips, a clear sign of her body’s participation in her determination.

I marvel at this image, repeated in human babies throughout time, of her body knowing exactly how to help her reach her goal. She doesn’t even know the name of those sweet knuckles and yet they respond to her desire to stand up. And I wonder, how has my body been my best advocate over these 74 years? I know the names of many of my parts, but how often do I marvel at their reliable response to my goals? How often do I abuse or take those parts for granted when I over-eat, under-exercise or avoid self-care?

As you know, friends, my hope for these Glimmers is to be a voice of hope. I seek to enter the details of being human and infuse them with the promise of the good in myself, in all of us. When my newest daughter-in-law sometimes says, “How are you doing, you beautiful humans?” I value her reminder of my complicated humanity that is, at the same time, beautiful.

How might I, might we, tread the path before us with the confidence, determination, and joy that I see in my granddaughter? How can we cultivate the relationship between our busy minds and these miraculous bodies, even as they age and accommodate the natural or sudden changes? How shall we remind ourselves that just as trees and seagulls are alive with the Divine, so too are these bodies of ours? Let us claim the gift of Life, in all of its forms, and smile at the precious moments of standing up on our own.

With gratitude, Lisa

Take Time for Quiet, Take Time for Now

Glimmers August 6, 2024

Dear Friends,

Willow calls out to me on these steamy, lazy summer days. Her long, leafy tendrils reach out to me as I float by. I’m comfortable on my “blue floaty thing,” complete with arm rest, cup holder and my kayak paddle to navigate. Even with others around us on the water and land, it still feels like its just Willow and me who know the secret of summer on a lake. Together, we share the present moment, the gift of Now, and enter a silence of Presence.

That is my offering to you, dear friends….a reminder of the soft touch of prayer, contemplation, quiet. We each have our own way “in,” our own, unique style of quieting down to encounter the simplicity of life, the beauty of nature, the reality of love. Here is a piece of music from Hans Zimmer (click here), music often helps me settle into Now… Perhaps you’ve a Willow or Red Maple near by that speak to your soul… take a little time for your self, your precious soul, and step into the Dream of Now.

I am learning trust, the deep-abiding kind of trust, the I-am-a-part-of-the-Universe kind of trust, the Dream-and-my-DNA-are-one kind of trust. I breathe and the Dream holds me, I write and the Dream hears me, I trust and the Dream and I dance….

My love to you, dear friends, Lisa


We Had Today

Glimmers July 18, 2024

Dear Friends,

I share this moment with you, with great love in my heart. I know many of you will be reminded of your own losses, and I trust the sharing of stories supports our healing as well as our remembering. Some of you respond to my Glimmers, feel free to share a memory you hold closely, I would treasure that. (I shared this song with her, and later her family, I share it with you now…we had today…each today is gift.)

Vicki and I became friends in 7th grade. I had newly moved to Washington, from California, after the death of my father. She, and her family, were adjusting to life after the sudden death of her older sister. Two adolescents, perhaps drawn together by broken hearts, young and unaware. I’m reminded of the invisible horses that took the students to Hogwarts, but Harry Potter and others who had known death could see them. Such was our connection, Vicki and I, we saw things differently.

The 60 years of relationship that spanned sleepovers, HS, guys, college adventures, independence, marriages, careers and babies. A treasured memory is her arrival to hold my first born child, 3 month old baby boy, with all the love an “Auntie” could offer. With both my mother and father gone, she was my family. I lived in Connecticut and she in Washington, then all over the world, but we were able to retain our friendship, through the death of her 18 year old son, misunderstandings, and maturing. Another special memory was watching our relationship grow as we shared artistry in our later years – she as a potter and me as a writer – we talked together about our creative process.

On June 26, 2024, I joined her husband, brother, son, grandchildren, and other family in releasing her ashes into Monterey Bay, CA. We watched the ashes float among and between the rose petals, so lovingly added into the water. We stood in silence, for as long as we could, trying to grasp this new reality.

Vicki is gone, and yet she isn’t. She is a part of me, delighting in my joy and comforting in my challenges. Love and gratitude swept up and over that scene in the boat, the same love and gratitude that heals all of us…. surrounding us like the rose petals that transformed an image of loss into an image of Love


Rites of Passage

Glimmers June 11, 2024

Dear Friends,

This morning’s green leaves dance above me. And the clouds, traveling through the soft blue sky, gently move even higher still. I treasure the birdsong surrounding me, high and bright, with an occasional low tone from the Mourning Dove. I’m reminded of my, then 7 year old, son’s face as he imitated her call. His eyebrows pulled together in an empathetic sadness, his mouth pursed as he sang, “coo-ah, coo, coo, coo,” a sweet reminder of the passage of life. (Here’s the dove’s sound for your enjoyment.)

June brings new life to the lake, we watch for tiny versions of birds and bunnies, squirrels and groundhogs. This year, three families of Canadian Geese have captured our interest. They seem to follow the sun, spending the morning on the West side to poke in the grass or turn bottom’s up in shallow water. Evening comes and we see them on the Eastern shoreline, preening and settling down after a long day. The families travel together, each set of goslings between two adults, a parade of life made extra special because of their different sizes. We watch newly hatched, more mature, and “teenager” goslings navigate their version of #lakelife and ponder the passage of life that continues.

Babies grow, families evolve, nurturing changes and identities transform, but love remains constant. Next year, some of those grown goslings will return to Beseck Lake to create their own families, some will not. The passage of life can be unpredictable, even difficult, but with intention, love remains constant. We, too, evolve and experience transformation within our very personal passage of life. It is here, during times of growth, we are invited to a deeper, more intentional commitment to love. It is here, in the morning’s promise, we hear the invitation and can say, “yes.”

With love on this new day, Lisa

You Will Be Found

Glimmers May 2, 2024

Dear Friends,

On Monday night, I sang in a concert with new friends and old songs, as well as some very new songs! The weeks of rehearsals were a return to the joy of harmonizing, the challenge of correct timing, and falling in love with certain tunes or lyrics. The music and voices filled my heart and I’m sad to let them go… it’s like I lost an anchor. At the same time, I’m grateful for the experience and it’s meaning in my life.

One song in particular, actually a blending of two, was new to me. Titled, “Found/Tonight,” it’s origin and beauty offer a testament to hope. As you know from our 10 years of Glimmers together, hope guides our healing from loss. Not the wish-fulfillment kind of hope, but hope as a fundamental, transformative aspect of our humanity.

The song was birthed following the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida, where a student-led organization created “March for Our Lives” to support gun control legislation. Lin-Manuel Miranda, of  “Hamilton,” and his collaborator Alex Lacamoire combined songs from “Hamilton” and “Dear Evan Hansen” to create this beautiful anthem of  hope. If you click on this link you’ll hear the voices of Miranda and Ben Platt soaring through your heart.  And you’ll hear these words:

Have you ever felt like nobody was there?
Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere?
Have you ever felt like you could disappear?
Like you could fall, and no one would hear?

Well, let that lonely feeling wash away
All we see is light
‘Cause maybe there’s a reason to believe you’ll be okay
For forever
‘Cause when you don’t feel strong enough to stand
You can reach, reach out your hand

We, who have experienced loss, know the empty spaces it creates. We, who grieve consciously, have learned to surrender and trust the unfolding of our healing. We, who claim hope as a part of our DNA, can sing:

Even when the dark comes crashing throughWhen you need a friend to carry youWhen you’re broken on the groundYou will be found

You, my friends, are found. Its a privilege to journey with you, Lisa


Remembering with Gratitude

Glimmers April 27, 2024

Dear Friends, as each month passes in 2024 I am reminded of the gift that these Glimmers have become for me and for others. Below you’ll see the 2014 April version, my 5th one, published 10 years ago! Some thoughts are specific to that year, some have a universal message that can still nourish us. I hope you’ll join us in a community Zoom, details coming soon, to celebrate these 10 years of Glimmers. In the meantime, let us all rest in the palm of God’s hand….how blessed are we? with affection, Lisa

Rest in the palm of God’s hand

GLIMMERS April 24, 2014

Dear Friends,

It is my hope that these monthly messages bring a little more light into your lives. Some days I see the light blazing through the darkness, and others, like today, I am grateful for the glimmer, the subtle but consistent, flickering light of Love.

April is an interesting month, it brings the promises of Spring and the celebration of Easter. April is all about “new life.” Yet as I wait for April to begin, we still have cold days, ice along the edges of the lake, and naked maple trees surrounding the house. Where is the new life in Connecticut when cherry blossoms are blooming in Seattle? Or, how can one celebrate those cherry blossoms when the Snohomish County mudslide is just miles away?

This disparity of images continues in other ways.

A dear friend faces loss while another celebrates an accomplishment.

                                        Families gather for a wedding as they hear of their relative’s car accident.

                                                                                  Repeatedly, it seems we are faced with the highs and lows of life.

Our hearts are worn out in response to external events or sometimes just waiting for the thaw to begin. And the question returns, how do we trust in new life when we’re surrounded by cold or darkness?

It’s not enough for me to “believe” anymore. It reminds me too much of Peter Pan asking me to clap to keep Tinkerbell alive. I find I’m attracted to Carl Jung’s words. “I don’t believe in God, I know God.” I am learning to trust my own experience, even using it as a reference point. When the darkness of doubt creeps into my heart, I remember Doris – her faithfulness and her unfailing regard for each human being. The image of Doris’s integrity stands between doubt and me, giving me a chance to breathe and recollect. When the chill of fear grabs me, I can now return to the gifts of my humanity. I see the sunrise and experience the peace it elicits in my heart. I recall moments on retreat or holding hands with my husband and am reminded…I know Love.

To paraphrase Jung, I don’t just believe in Love, I know Love. My human experience has reminded me over and over that Love is an energy, a reality that surpasses all the disparities around me. Love holds them as One. Remember the Irish blessing asking God to hold us in the palm of his hand? Well, what is God holding exactly? I would answer our joys and sorrows, tensions and gifts, fears and dreams. In this warm and safe place, our lives are tenderly nurtured and cared for. Here, in this loving embrace, new life emerges and we begin again. Let us remember those who are hurting today.

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rain fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

With love on this new day, Lisa