Dear Friends,
It has been a wonderful summer at Lake Beseck, I hope your life had space for play and for sunrises, for creativity and for hope.
I’ve had a good summer, it’s not over yet, but there’s this invention – they call it a calendar? It keeps pulling me out of the present moment. Today is a great example. A quiet morning, looking outside and yes, there is indeed, a lake out there. I continue to be in wonder that I landed here. Then, I check on Heather Cox Richardson’s contributions to my understanding of our political reality. This, too, places me in a state of wonder, but with a whiff of horror. So, in less than 30 minutes my prayer is pulled into such a challenging place. Fortunately, today’s calendar (wink*wink) led me to the YMCA’s swimming pool, where I moved through silky water, among and beside other women. Gift.
This where you find me.
I have been writing these messages, monthly, for 9 1/12 years, they’re part of my practice of prayer. At the same time, they are part of my ministry. You and I have had a relationship, though non-traditional, for 9 1/2 years. Blessed by a kiss of the Divine, we have a contract of sacred listening for which I am profoundly grateful. Thank you.
As you know, I offer programs and retreats, often about grief, at area retreat houses. The Directed Retreat is a unique experience where the retreatant lives in a private room, eats and moves in silence, takes in the beauty of the setting – all while listening closely to the heartbeat of God. These times away from our day-to-day routine become lessons in that sacred listening and opportunities to enter the Mystery with an open heart. If this idea interests you, I hope you’ll look into calendars at your favorite retreat house. Or, you might consider joining me for a 6 day Directed Retreat at Genesis Retreat House and Conference Center in Westfield, MA in November. Here’s the link at Genesis:
As your spiritual director for the week, I would have the privilege of accompanying you on this inner journey. We’d meet once a day, have an opportunity for prayer and reflection, and share in the depth of silence that is rich and renewing. If this type of experience interests you, I hope you’ll ask questions and pray about it. Consider it a seed for any future retreat or prayer invitations that come your way. We are called to this great love affair, friends, and setting time apart for it is a way to say “Yes!” to the gifts of life, “Yes!” to the love of our God. Perhaps our calendars can be helpful, after all….
peace, Lisa