Dear Friends, You’ve been on my mind. Here we are in the last week of October, and the reality of living in America is heating up. How are you doing? I wanted to be in touch before the election, before…
Dear Friends, Officially speaking, my last Glimmer was in September. (If Not Now, Tell me When) Emotionally speaking, what happened? what is it about time? It seems so long ago since we last connected. I hope you are well and safe. I hope…
Dear Friends, You have been on my mind throughout these past weeks. I hope you’ve found ways to take care of yourself in these uncertain times – resources to sustain your heart and moments of beauty to remind you of the gift of…
Dear Friends – This amazing prayer comes through the ministry of Mercy by the Sea in Madison, CT. It is sent to you, with love, on this day. Through their newsletter, online and in-person programs and retreats, MBTS offers consistent and beautiful reminders of…
Dear Friends, I never understood what people were referring to when they offer this platitude on the subject of age. “It’s just a number,” they would say and I would wonder, “Yeah, but it’s still the number of years I’ve been alive, right? …
Dear Friends, …
Dear Friends, My heart aches. Oh, it’s been a glorious June in New England, the temperature has warmed up, roses are lush – birds are happy, and so am I. At the same time, my heart aches as I experience the serious divide…
Dear Friends, My work in grief ministry has given me the opportunity to observe very personal, and at the same time, “universal” responses to loss. And into that mix, I bring my own unique experiences of loss. One thing that is painfully clear, losses…
“So on this meaningful morn, we mourn and we mend. Like light, we can’t be…
Dear Friends, I share here a recent blog that I wrote for Mercy by the Sea Retreat and Conference Center. We are working together to create an afternoon of connection and healing, and you are invited. Details follow for our live, virtual gathering on…