Everything is Harder than It Used to Be


Dear Friends,                                                  The finches’ yellowness increase day by day. Their morning visit to the silo of seeds is filled with…

April 22, 2020

I Am Enough


  “This is preeminently a time to tell the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly….Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment.”      Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Inauguration Address, March 4, 1933 Dear Friends, I heard these words from…

March 22, 2020

Remembering my Dad



March 2, 2020

All Good Gifts Around Us


  “We can be unhappy about many things, but Joy can still be there…it is important to become aware that every moment of our Life we have an opportunity to choose Joy…It is in the choice that our true Freedom lies, and that Freedom…

January 23, 2020

The Birth of Love


Dear Friends,                                                          Christmas, the birth of Love in unexpected circumstances. We are often reminded of the…

December 29, 2019

Natural Love


Dear Friends,                You’ve been on my mind these cold, wet days of November – I hope your heart has been nourished by those who love you and is available to those who are in your care. We…

November 23, 2019

My Mother’s Piano


Dear Friends,                                      Did I ever tell you that my mother played the piano? I learned to walk with musical vibrations in my world and in my bones.…

October 26, 2019

Today is a day of wonder!


Dear Friends, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” The first time I read those words, I had long blonde hair instead of short steel-colored waves. I wore contacts instead of glasses, known to swallow one by accident if it…

September 23, 2019

Return, relax, remember


Dear Friends, Last month’s Glimmer was such a gift! Thank you for engaging with the images and sharing the blessings, thank you for joining me in these thoughts and ponderings. And my gift to you? Well, I encourage you to reread the July Glimmer…

August 13, 2019

Birthday Invitation


Dear Friends, As I get older, my birthdays seem to speak a little louder. How is it for you? Do you notice the annual movements of your heart inviting you to greater awareness of what it means to be alive? I have to confess,…

July 23, 2019