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The Path of Conscious Grieving

April 1, 2023

Our contemporary times have added a significant context of loss to our daily life experience. We learned that loss weaves its way through our lives in many forms, some are acknowledged, many are not. Grief, our companion and ally, guides both our personal and collective journeys in the Land of Loss, leading us toward healing and hope. This day of prayer and reflection will create space for content, sharing, ritual and silence – all valuable resources for a path of conscious grieving. Together, we will create and name moments of respite, glimmers of healing and offer permission to grieve. REGISTER HERE

Zoom program: Attending Grief – Hope in a Changing World

January 28, 2023

Loss weaves its way into our lives in multiple ways, through death and non-death losses. Grief offers a process of healing that acknowledges loss,  sometimes missing in certain types of loss, and opens a space for hope to grow. This day on Zoom will offer a safe place to develop a deeper trust in grief as our ally and companion in loss. Presentation, private reflection, prayer and small group conversations will support this sacred time together. REGISTER HERE

Notes from the road….

Glimmers November 24, 2022

Dear Friends,

I spent some time in the Land of Loss, recently. I joined 24 other souls in a sacred circle, we were present to the sadness, confusion, and emptiness that loss brings. I witnessed their courage as they told the losses that changed their lives. Together, we honored grief’s healing presence and allowed compassion to join the circle. I, once again, marveled at the human capacity to love again, even with loss in the room.

Friends, I am mindful that I’m sharing this with you on Thanksgiving Day 2022. Among you, and in the larger community, there are many who have difficulty feeling thankful today. Some carry Edna St Vincent Millay’s experience, “The absence of their presence is everywhere.” Others are isolated or rejected from family during a time when everyone else is at a warm family table. Some see expectations are not being met, so create their own holiday vibe – an alternative to the narrative on TV. And there are others…without a home, shamed, facing serious illness, incarcerated, hungry, addicted…humans all, yet do not fit into the Norman Rockwell scene that we all imagine.

My message to you is two-fold. First, those of us who carry a loss, of any kind, that is not recognized by others are “disenfranchised.” Our loss, and the subsequent grief, does not have the social support we seek – no cards or casseroles come our way and the loss has no expression. Secondly, our opportunity as the creative, loving adults that we are, is to enfranchise our loss, enfranchise our grief. If a loved one is missing – light a candle in his or her name or use a special bowl for your meal. Bring them into the room. If others are distancing themselves from your love, create new opportunities to express it – write to understand your feelings, commit to those in need for a day/evening, write a “thank you list” and identify the blessings, no matter how small, that are in your life.

Choose Love. As one who’s experienced being disenfranchised, you have learned the painful effects of dismissal, for whatever reason, from another. Choose Love. Add your energy to the plus side of human exchange. Choose Love. Even if its love for the blue sky, popcorn or heat that works. Choose Love. Let your heart participate in and be nourished by this remarkable human capacity. Both given and received, let Love’s flow remind you of your intrinsic worth and your ability to even be thankful.

I write this with a grateful heart. I am thankful for you, dear reader, on this Thanksgiving Day.


The Path of Conscious Grieving

November 19, 2022


Our contemporary times have added a significant context of loss to our daily life experience. We learned that loss weaves its way through our lives in many forms, some are acknowledged, many are not. Grief, our companion and ally, guides both our personal and collective journeys in the Land of Loss, leading us toward healing and hope. This day of prayer and reflection will create space for content, sharing, ritual and silence – all valuable resources for a path of conscious grieving. Together, we will create and name moments of respite, glimmers of healing and offer permission to grieve. REGISTER HERE

Healing Loss Through Conscious Grieving and Writing

November 1, 2022


How do we heal from loss? We grieve. Our bodies, minds and hearts are created to process loss of all kinds through a sacred journey of grieving. A significant resource on that journey is writing….putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) opens our heart in new ways and supports our desire to heal. This overnight retreat will offer a safe space for reflection, writing, sharing and stillness. As you give voice to your loss and allow time for your grief, you take brave steps toward hope and healing. REGISTER HERE

Finding my Wings

Glimmers October 21, 2022

Dear Friends,

Do you remember your childhood Hallowe’en costumes? Do have images in mind of that unusual, but fun holiday, from “back in the day?” I have clear memories of our children’s costumes or ours as a young married couple, but my childhood canvas is empty. So, partly to remedy that and partly to just have a little fun, I found myself some butterfly wings and went for a walk!

October invites such playfulness, right? Off we went to our nearby walking and biking trail, my husband generously adjusting my wings, and together we enjoyed the beautiful changes that Fall brings to New England. I wasn’t dependent on anyone’s approval, but was certainly aware of choosing a unique outfit for the trail! Somehow, the invitation to experience a little silliness, “just because,” led the way as we held hands and stepped into Fall’s witness of transformation.

Friends, there is something wonderful about recapturing the spirit of childhood, about inhabiting butterfly wings and flying out into the world. As I walked, sometimes skipped, through the maze of colors and light, I felt a certain freedom inside....

I, like the leaves, trust the changes around and inside of me, even the ones I cannot control. I, like the natural world that surrounds me, surrender to the Creator’s hand. In this moment of awareness, I understand unconditional love in a new way, from the inside out.

I recommend putting on some butterfly wings or any bit of paint or costume that alters your outside, sending a signal to your inside that she is O.K. It’s never too late for that reminder, never too late to reclaim lost parts and welcome them into who God created us to be.

With gratitude,
